Bruce Dunn
Department Chair and Nippon Sheet Glass Professor - University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Bruce Dunn is the Nippon Sheet Glass Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at UCLA. Prior to joining UCLA, he was a staff scientist at the General Electric Research and Development Center. His research interests concern the synthesis of inorganic and organic/inorganic materials, and characterization of their electrical, optical, biological and electrochemical properties. A continuing theme in his research is the use of sol-gel methods to synthesize materials with designed microstructures and properties. His recent work on electrochemical energy storage includes three-dimensional batteries and pseudocapacitor materials. Among the honors he has received are a Fulbright research fellowship, the Orton Lectureship from the American Ceramic Society, awards from the Department of Energy and invited professorships in France, Japan and Singapore. He is a Fellow of the Materials Research Society, the American Ceramic Society, and a member of the World Academy of Ceramics. In addition to the Board of Reviewing Editors at Science, he is a member of the editorial boards of Energy Storage Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, Solid State Ionics, and Journal of the American Ceramic Society.